Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Return of the Rambler.. Yadda Yadda and Blah Blah Blah!

Woah woah woah, it's been a bit eh? I've been seriously neglecting this public chalkboard of mine! As I was thinking about it last week, I realized how much has happened since my last sch-peel and I wanted to slap myself for not coming here to ramble more often. My life may not be excitement to the max, but I have a way (as does my daughter) of colliding with the humorous side of life. When I started this blog my intention was to use it as a 'memory book' of life's little happenings, more specifically all things involving S. Somewhere along the line I got off track, but hey, life has been busy for this chick! Unfortunately for my craptastic memory, I missed out on several months (some of the best months at that) of the amazingness known as S. Therefore, from this day forward, I'm making a deal with myself to make a better effort at updating more often. I'd say that this 'deal' involves me updating at least once a week, but I've never been good at keeping deals with myself....

Now that all that mumbo jumbly jumble is taken care of, there are a few things that happened during my hiatus that have stuck out in my mind. I'd like to share all of these things, but that would make for an incredibly long ramble that no one cares to even begin to read I'm sure. So instead, I'm going to pick one story to tell now and save the others for another day. It'll still be long, and I'll be amazed if anyone reads it thru.. but this is more about me anyway ;)

Since I have been gone for awhile, naturally things have changed a lot. Since moving I am now in school full time and working part time. I used to be convinced my time management skills were top notch, but over the last 7 months I realized this theory needs some serious re-evaluation. So lets just say these skills are no longer exceptional (as I used to 'think') but now just a notch above suck. I'm not sure why or how this happened, but I'm becoming more and more convinced it has to do with the 1,000+ new thoughts a day that come along with being a Mom.

This new found 'suck level' of time management has required some creative adjustments in my life. One example of an adjustment made involves my study time. I try to study in advance when I know I have a test coming, but sometimes I get bogged down in work or other homework and studying often becomes the red headed step child in my world of priorities. I know, I know, it's a horrible habit to wait until the last minute, but I'll admit it happens. A few months ago this exact situation occurred. I studied some for an Anatomy test I had coming up, but realized the day of that it had not been nearly enough.  

Pet Peeve - People who interrupt. I even get a bit annoyed when I interrupt myself like I'm about to do to give a Quick background - My anatomy class is twice a week in the afternoon into the evening. S's daycare closes at 5:30... so on the days I have a class in the afternoon I have to go and pick her up before class (since my class isn't out until 7). Thank goodness I have such a wonderful sister and brother-in-law (<----- these 2 watch her for me while I go to class!) So I pick her up and bring her from daycare to my sister's house and then go on to class. 

Back on track... So the day of my anatomy test I studied in the morning until my first class and then studied after that class up until I had to leave school to pick S up. As I drove to daycare, I repeated random facts out loud (Car Studying) in hopes that would somehow magically implant everything I needed to know into my brain. Once I picked S up and had her in the car with me, I continued my car study session. Within seconds of me calling out the parts of the heart, arteries and veins, S pipes in and the conversation ensues as follows:

Me: "Atria, Ventricles..."
S: "Mommy!"
Me: "What?"
S: (Says nothing/is quiet)
Me: "Superior Vena Cava, Aorta, Pulmonary..."
S: "Momma!"
Me: "What hunny?"
S: (Says nothing/is quiet)
Me: "Auricles... wait, is that it? Or is it...."
S: (yelling this time) "Mommy!!"
Me: "What is it monkey?"
S: (Says nothing/is quiet)
Me: "Cordae Tendenae, valves... hmmm.. what are the valves.. oh yea... Bicusp.."
S: (even louder now) "Mommy!!!!"
Me: "What is it Sky? Do you not like Mommy talking? Do you want me to be quiet?"
S: "Uh..............Yes!"
Me: "Well ok then!"

The rest of our ride I was quiet and so was she. Apparently she is not a fan of car studying! I don't know if she dislikes me talking so much or if she was irritated I was talking over 'her' music. You'd think she'd be okay with listening to me talk once in awhile, it's not like I do it that often.... geez!

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