Friday, April 1, 2011

The Random Post

We are exactly one week until moving day. I still have lots to do, but I'm not worried about getting it all done. Tomorrow I move my furniture out and my precious comfy bed will be gone.

Moving is bitter sweet, there are some things I will miss about living here but they are far and few between I think. But I'll save that for another post.

This week has been busy and some random stuff happened that made me giggle (although I am sure I am the only one who will find it even remotely funny) so I thought I would share...

Oh first let me just say.. Happy 1st Birthday to my spastic little monkey! She turned one last Saturday, We had a wonderful party with my family and had her pictures taken by an amazing photographer who I will miss tremendously once we move.

Onto the randomness..

For those who are unaware, I am an addict. My addiction? Dunkin Donuts coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Usually iced coffee (I do currently live in the desert you know) and usually a turkey, bacon cheddar flatbread or bacon egg and cheese on a croissant. I try not to go there more then once a week, but this week...  I was tired so therefore I NEEDED it. At least that is how I justified the multiple trips I took there. The first trip I took, they forgot to give me a straw for my coffee. I didn't realize this until I had already driven away. So I spent my drive home doing my best not to dump it all over myself. The next trip I took, the guy gave me two straws. SCORE! I now have a backup straw in case the Dunkin Donuts dude ever forgets to give me one again.

This week was really busy work wise, which is fantastic. However it was tough because everyone needed their stuff done "like last week". I spent Monday night at my sister's house working with her on one of our projects until 2am. We completed her project for the most part, but I had another project for a different project manager who needed it done right away as well. Silly me thought that I could just come home and work through the morning until S woke up. So from 2:30am until 5:30am I attempted to work. With my laptop on my lap, headphones on, music blaring I spent those hours 'working'. It went something like... click click, type type for 5-10 minutes, eyes closed for 10-15 minutes, repeat. This cycle repeated itself until 5:30am when I finally went to bed until 6:30 when S woke up for the day. I got through 3 of 9 sheets, and later that day when I went back to review what I had done I had to redo most of it anyway. I guess I am just no good at sleep working. The good news is, I didn't fall asleep with my face on the keyboard, so no asdfg imprints on my face. I consider that a great victory!

As a result of my frantic sleep lacking mind, I forgot to put the print order in for the project I did finish Monday night. Therefore we sadly didn't make it to S's music class on Tuesday. I was bummed about this since we only had/have 2 classes left. We'll make it for the last one next week for sure. A few people have asked me what her music class is about. Here's a link, check it out! Click around a bit and you may see some familiar faces.

Rewinding for a minute to Monday morning. My sister was here from out of town for the weekend and Monday I had to bring her and my niece to the airport for their flight home. I was up late Sunday night working which apparently made me slightly delirious when I put my pajamas on before crashing into bed. It wasn't until Monday afternoon (hours after the airport run) that I realized my pajama pants were on inside out. Yes, I do frequently wear my pajamas all day, Yes I did walk through the airport in my inside out pajamas, and No it does not bother me. But it sure did make me laugh.

Thursday S had her one year checkup at the doctor. After all the usual was done (weight, height, eyes/ears checked etc) and her doctor was out the door, in came the nurse to give her her shots. Every time is the same, she is smiling and having a grand ol time up until the first shot is in. After that first shot she always gets beat read, scrunches her face up and clamps her hands into fists and screams. Since she can't actually talk yet, this is a guess... but I am pretty sure they don't really hurt her much. Her scream is always more of a "WOAH dude.. WTH!" pissed kind of scream. After shots were done, I got her dressed and went out to the checkout counter. As we stood there, she was no longer crying, just sniffling and looking like she felt sorry for herself. It was then that the nurse walked by with his next patient. As he did so, he stopped momentarily to say goodbye and tell her he was sorry. Nurse: "Bye baby girl, I'm sorry!" And what does S do? Scrunches up her nose and whips her head in the other direction doing her best to ignore him. Snubbing people already at this age?!? I wonder what I am in for once she hits the teen years!

Since I was so busy with work, everything else from preparing to move, to posting pictures of S's bday to laundry fell by the wayside all week until today. I finally was able to get to the mounds of laundry that have been building up all over my house. I put the first load in just before I sat S down for lunch. As she heard the washer doing it's thing she suddenly stopped eating and started bobbing her head. I find it amazing how she can find rhythm in almost anything.

And that was my week. Moving right along to my last week as an AZ resident. Which promises to be an eventful week I am sure...