Sunday, May 15, 2011


Wow, it's been over a month since my last post. Things have been wonderful, and here's where I might normally say... "And Busy" as an excuse as to why I have not posted recently. But in all reality, I haven't been that busy. Sure, work here and there... trying to figure out my life plan, and well, that about sums up what I have been doing. And playing with S of course!

Shortly before I left AZ, I had started a post that I did not have a chance to finish. I wanted to revisit that post now, but in a much briefer format:

"With our upcoming move approaching quickly, I have been thinking a lot about what I will miss about Arizona. But I have been thinking a whole lot more about what I WON'T miss about it. So here it is...

Things I will miss:

My family
My friends
Pita Jungle
Salty Senorita
Good Concerts!
Music Class
24 hour stores

The ability to slip on some flip flops year around and go

Things I definitely WON'T miss:

Rude people
Bad drivers (traffic in general)
Feeling like I am constantly on fire from May to October
The color Brown
Meat heads in affliction t-shirts
The severe lack of rain or rather any weather besides sunny and hot
Year long construction season
The ample traffic lights

Geez, now that I have actually made lists I am surprised that my won't list isn't a lot longer then my will miss. Arizona was good to me for a few years, but I have been yearning to get our for some time now. Why I thought I'd enjoy living in a place that has no snow, little rain and is hotter then hell 80% of the year, I do not know. In no way am I saying that I regret moving here, the last 8 years have been wonderful. It has given me the opportunity to see my niece and nephew grow up and spend lots of time with my sister and mother. For that I am grateful. It also gave me the opportunity to live in a completely different culture then I was used to. A culture that I have since decided is just not for me or my child. While talking to a friend of mine recently, he said something that I believe describes this state well. "What a soul-less place". And that is exactly how I perceive Arizona, I just hadn't realized it until this point.

I'm not saying that everyone who resides here is soul-less, there are some good people here. But the majority = soul-less and as we all know, majority rules. I have become completely fed up with the people as a whole here. People are rude, inconsiderate and are typically thinking of only themselves. For example, I spoke about the mall in my last post.. did I mention that I live in the mall's backyard? I can see Sears from my window as I type this. So naturally when we go to the mall, we just walk there. In order to walk there, we must cross the 'mall loop road'. This of course is the road that goes around the entire mall. Every time (and I mean literally every single time) we cross this road, I have to wait until no cars are coming because cars simply do not stop. State law = pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk. Apparently every single person who drives this road did not receive the memo. It's just like a real life game of frogger, and let me just say I don't appreciate having to play such a game with my child. When people do stop, it's typically by slamming on their breaks and then immediately speeding up afterwards as if to vent their frustration and let you know they are annoyed. It's rather ridiculous and this is definitely something that can be filed under WON'T miss.

I have found that living here has changed me, and definitely not for the better. I find that I am bitter. Living here has made me despise the human race as a whole. At first I didn't realize these changes in my opinions. It wasn't until my last visit home that I realized, not all people are mean and inconsiderate. This is something I am looking forward to when we move. People in Maine are friendly, helpful and generally more trust worthy than people here."

I know, how does the word brief describe this at all right?

Moving forward - Now that I have been here for a month, I'd now like to redo my above 'miss' lists:

Good Concerts!
Saddle Ranch Buffalo Chix Sandwich - I have talked about this sandwich at least 4 times in the past 48 hours.
Short traffic lights
Music class

Don't Miss:
100+ degree weather
Rude people
Bad drivers
The color brown

Yet again (without even looking at my original lists) my lists are about even, how interesting.

Oh and one last thing... Never again will I have to worry about this....
happening to my guitar, myself, my car, my daughter etc. if left outside for too long