Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Was Once Lost Has Now Been Found...

Some really amazing things are happening in my life at the moment, and as it all whirlwinds around me I remembered I hadn't been by here in awhile to share. I had started a post a few months ago and never finished it. So here it is, in a half assed finished format, as per usual ;)

I have a sense of humor, a good one.. no a great one (at least that's what I think, for whatever it's worth!). In addition I have a goofy side, except I don't consider it to be very inventive. It's there, it's just a bit deeper down inside. As far as I can tell, my child has inherited my sense of humor as well as the goofiness. The difference here is that her goofiness resides near her surface. Maybe that's because she is a kid, and kids hide nothing. Why it is isn't really that important though. I love everything about her, but I have to say this is one of my favorites. So I'd like to share some things she has done recently that I deem worthy of sharing.

A few nights ago we went out to dinner with my best friend. As many of you likely know, going to dinner with a toddler is quite the adventure. I have to laugh at the thought of how silly I must look when we are sitting in a restaurant and my arms are flailing all over the place in an attempt to grab sharp objects and breakables before she hurts herself or someone else. All the while saying things like: 'No no, don't eat that napkin! Or that crayon!' and 'Leave your pants on!' Needless to say at this point I'm sure, but it can take sometime to actually look at a menu and pick out what I want to eat and it takes twice that amount of time to find something for her to eat. Lately I've been trying to involve her in that process a bit and I'm starting to wonder if that's a mistake when all I hear is: 'I want chickens mommy!'

Onward to my point... As I attempted to get a glimpse at the menu and pick something, I failed to notice what S was doing. As I placed my order, I took a look in her direction just in time to catch her coloring her feet. Yes my child had taken off her shoes and her socks and was coloring her toes with a yellow crayon. Now I'm sure this behavior is not considered part of the 'Good Table Manners' handbook, but that didn't stop me from laughing. I'm sure some parents would call her behavior as well as mine completely inappropriate. But I look at it a little differently. While I don't think dinner guests would necessarily appreciate her coloring her feet at the table, I think they'd also understand she's 21 months old. She's too young to be expected to know what the phrase 'table manners' even means. In addition, we both have time to get this down, and I'm sure a little giggle from me won't set us back too far! For any parent reading this who is horrified.... I did ask her to stop and put her shoes back on... after I laughed.. yeah I said it... After I laughed.

There you have it... this post was one I started back around Christmas time, or was it just after Christmas... I can't remember. Either way, it's been sitting in here untouched for months now and I had completely forgotten about it until I just happened to go in to edit my last post (seen below) today. Originally I had notes to share a few other stories, but I think this is just fine for now. I'm so glad I found this post, what a fun little story/night to remember!


  1. Hehehe, I love that little girl and I love reading your blog again! And just think, atleast she hasnt graduated from feet-coloring to crayon-eating ;) She could be the next Pablo Pedi-casso :)

  2. HA! She hasn't actually eaten a crayon yet.. you're right there, but this is purely because I rarely give her crayons and when I do I watch her closely (obviously that's almost a lie given the above story haha). However she has eaten play doh before.. I wonder which is worse.. hmmmm.
